Our aim is to educate people about Type 1 Diabetes as well as to provide resource for medical and psychological care for those living with T1D and their families. We also aim to create a common platform for the children and their families to share and connect with each other, seek support and share their journey.


Diabetes or diabetes mellitus is a condition in which the levels of glucose in the blood are higher than the normal. It is a metabolic disorder which is characterized by high blood sugar levels associated with deficiencies in insulin secretion and/or insulin action.

Diabetes comes from the Greek word diabainei, meaning ‘to siphon’ or ‘pass through’ which refers to a flow of liquid. This condition was named by a Greek physician Aretaeus the Cappadocian, to describe one of the major symptoms of diabetes – increased and frequent urination. The word mellitus was added later (and is from the Latin word mel for honey) when it was noted that those with diabetes passed urine with a sweet taste.

Type 1 diabetes Type 2 diabetes
When the body’s immune system attacks and destroys insulin producing beta cells in the pancreas due to which no insulin is produced. Results from either insulin resistance, inadequate insulin production or combination of both
Typically appears in childhood or adolescence Typically appears in adulthood
No insulin is produced by the pancreas Some insulin is still produced by the pancreas.
Insulin dependent. Can be managed by oral medicines.
Not linked to excessive body weight. Often linked to excessive body weight.
Typically, there is no family history of type 1 diabetes. Typically, there is a history of type 2 diabetes in other family members.